Monday, January 26, 2015

Lush Ultrabalm

When you thing about Lush the frst things that come to mind are probably bath bombs, bubble bars and shower gels but you never think "balm" well after using this you might think different.

A few years ago, when I first started buying Lush products I was browsing their site reading about their most popular products and then I came across this, at first I read about it and was like "nah I don't want this" but then I placed an order and I was missing some stuff so that the shipping was actually worth it so I decided to buy this not expecting much but oh was I wrong.

This product only contains 3 ingredients but believe it or not that is enough to make this one of my all time favorite products. The website describe it as "This is a very simple but effective formula, with just three moisturising ingredients. Pop this anywhere that feels really dry for instant relief: chapped lips or hard skin such as elbows, or use to tame lashes and eyebrows, brighten up tattoos, or to protect your skin when you’re dyeing your hair. Perfect for carrying in your bag or on your holidays". 

Upon opening it, it looks just like a yellow paste and when you touch it it feels somewhat greasy, the smell is not great either, its doesn't bother me but I wouldn't use it as a perfume.


The first time I used it I was impressed, I have little dry patches on my arms and this helped a ton with the itching something that no other cream ever did. I always carry this in my bag with me because it realy is multi purpose, I use it as a lip balm when my lips are super dry and this leaves them soft again.
I tend to fall a lot to i always have bruises and scratches and a little bit of this makes the bruises disappear and the scratches heal faster, I also use it on mosquito bites to make them go away faster, when my hands are dry I also use it as a hand cream but just use the tiniest amount so your hands dont end up greasy, as a makeup remover, and believe it or not another use this product has is as a temple balm when you have headaches.
The person working at Lush told me I can use this as a face mask when the cold weather dries out the skin or as a moisturizer which I haven't tried yet but if I do I'll let you know the results.

This product has become a staple for me and all my family members,it has a million and one uses, we always have some just in case, it really is one of my favorite products from any brand ever.

So if you're looking for a product to try from Lush definitely make it this one, even if you're not looking I seriously recommend you try it.

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